hydrantea. 3. hydrantea

 3hydrantea ; Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' grows 6 to 8 feet tall and 5 to 7 feet wide and has a greenish

Nurseries often graft them onto a standard and train them to grow as trees when they are very young. Watering top down will encourage fungal disease, and potentially harm the plant. Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime’ – These summer flowers start out green and turn pink by autumn. This will usually occur sometime in late summer. Pick Remaining Flowers. long (15 cm), in midsummer to fall. Mulching can also help to keep the roots moist. Thoroughly water the shrub a few times a week, or whenever the top inch of soil begins to dry out. Wait until a blossom begins to fade and die. Zones: 3-8 Height: 2 ½-3’ 6. Changing flower color 6. Ruby SlippersOakleaf Hydrangea. This unique panicle hydrangea revolutionized landscaping across North America. Glenn. Martha Stewart recently shared her cut hydrangea care tips with her 4. We recommend pine straw, oak leaves or wood mulch. Perfect for adding late summer color to the shrub border, Hydrangea paniculata 'Vanille Fraise' features loose, fluffy, pyramid-shaped flower heads at the tips of gracefully arching branches in summer. Its flattened clusters of 2- to 6-inch wide greenish white flowers appear from late spring through summer. How to Deadhead Bigleaf and Oakleaf Hydrangeas. Endless Summer® Hydrangea Shrub. Fertilizing Hydrangeas. Hydrangea comes in three forms: vine, shrub and tree. Planting hydrangeas in pots: Use a bagged potting mix rather than garden soil. The oakleaf hydrangea grows well in places with very hot summers without too much moisture. While the hydrangeas you likely know and love best are blooming shrubs like bigleaf and panicle, this hydrangea type takes the form of a deciduous vine. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and 2-3 times as wide. Bring hydrangeas inside before the first frost of fall. Caring for Tree Hydrangea Plants. Little Hottie® Hydrangea is a resilient, medium-sized shrub with loaded, white to soft-pink, mophead flowers that bloom in the summer, and provide an interesting contrast to its vibrant, green foliage. Proper hydrangea care will help your favorite summertime shrubs look their best. Learn how to grow these ever-popular flowering shrubs in containers for mobile garden color. From Cuttings. paniculata), the. Panicle hydrangeas are easy to propagate, most easily from cuttings or by layering rather than from seed. Bigleaf is divided into two flower types – lacecap and mophead. Within those categories of hydrangea. Benefits of winter care. Reaching a mature height of 3 to 5 feet with a symmetrical spread of 3 to 5 feet, the flowers of this fragrant hydrangea. Matthew Benson. Lacecap hydrangeas are a smaller group (belonging to the same species), which have more flattened flower heads, where the. botanical name Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Monmar’ PP #25,209. Panicle Hydrangea. Do not over water, or over fertilize, but be attentive. 99. The hydrangea color chart below shows the estimated flower color as it varies by soil pH level. It is compact and dwarf in habit, and the flowers cover every inch of the plant right down to the ground. If you wish to fertilize, an application of a rose fertilizer in early spring, once the soil has thawed, is sufficient. It bears clusters of white flowers in summer that fade to shades of rose or green. The word “hydrangea” gives a hint why. One of the more decorative varieties, Mirandas can grow up to 50 feet tall and six feet wide. If it feels semi-dry to the touch, water thoroughly until you see the water run out of the bottom of the pot. 13. Low maintenance and easy to grow, this hardy hydrangea can be used as a hedge,. Plant your hydrangea in spring after the danger of frost has passed. Exceptionally hardy and reliable, Hydrangea paniculata Fire Light® is a striking deciduous shrub boasting huge flower heads from midsummer to fall. Part of the Hydrangeaceae family, the Hydrangea genus is nothing if not diverse. Hydrangeas are one of the most popular landscape shrubs in the US. Remove the plant from its pot and. Best in light shade, but tolerates sun if the soil is not too dry. 4. Hardy in zones 4 to 8; for full or part sun. They are known for their exquisite flowering display, with many offering a season of beautiful blooms that remain attractive into winter. Boost your cut hydrangeas' flower heads. A south-facing window is ideal. Held on strong stems, the blossoms change color as they mature, gradually turning from white to deep pink as the season progresses. paniculata ). Back fill in the sides with soil. It produces blooms in a multitude of show-stopping displays of pinks, blues, and everything in between. Hydrangea, (genus Hydrangea), any of a genus of erect or climbing woody shrubs, in the family Hydrangeaceae, native to the Western Hemisphere and eastern Asia. This could be a window ledge, or it could be outside on a porch or patio. wide (150 cm). Mulching: Each spring, apply compost, shredded bark or other organic matter around the base of plants. • Dig hole 2X the width of pot. Next, place the hydrangea in the center of the container and fill the planter with soil, mounding some atop the root ball. Its large lace-cap flowers make a showy summer display, ranging from pink to mauve-blue depending on the acidity of your soil. Keep the blooms out of the sun in a well-circulated area. 7 m) tall and naturally grows as a tidy. The blue flower colour only develops if planted in acid soil. Remove the plant from its nursery pot and place it in the container. Since the 'Pistachio' hydrangea is a reblooming variety that flowers on both new and old wood, little pruning is required. Planting hydrangeas in pots: Use a bagged potting mix rather than garden soil. As a first step, trim off any infested foliage. Once the germinated seeds are big enough to handle, transplant them to their spot outside in the fall. Growing from five to six feet high and wide, this shrub is more compact in nature than other oakleaf hydrangeas. Next, dig a shallow hole a few inches deep and lay the hydrangea branch in it. Adding early. Also known as peegee hydrangea, panicle hydrangeas produce football or cone-shaped flower clusters in mid-to-late summer. The Panicle Hydrangea is more tolerant of full sun than other hydrangea species. Tree hydrangeas, including Pee Gee hydrangeas, tolerate almost any type of soil, including acidic or. Incredibly hardy, even in the harshest winters, this US native hydrangea is perfect for mixed borders, small gardens, and patio containers. In early summer, this small, bushy deciduous shrub produces huge, rounded flower clusters, up to 12 in. Oakleaf hydrangea is more drought-tolerant than other hydrangeas. ‘Little Lime’ Hydrangea paniculata. It is a deciduous shrub with green foliage with white flower. Its flowers are produced on old wood from last. These plants prefer moderate climates, with most growing best in USDA Zones 3. Perhaps the best known of the hydrangeas is the mophead style of Hydrangea macrophylla. Data Source. These thirsty plants will quickly start to droop if they don’t receive enough water, so check them daily, particularly during hot or dry spells. There is only one generation of insects per year, but it is important to get them under control because they suck the sap out of the plant and weaken it. There are a few reasons why yellow leaves will plague your plants, and most of them are fairly easily fixed if you address them early enough. It's best to test the soil's moisture level 3 inches into the soil. It can take up to a year for the soil pH change to take effect and show in the flower color of your hydrangea. The flowers have vivid colors that range from deep pink to periwinkle blue, depending on soil acidity. Leave 1 to 2 inches between the top of the soil and the rim of the pot for watering. Phosphorus is the middle number, so a fertilizer labeled 10-20-10 will do. Then set at the base of the plant, allowing the water to trickle out slow. Inadequate or Too Much Sunlight. Some form their flower buds on old wood, meaning next year’s buds are already present on the branches in fall and winter. Beyond flowers, these amazing shrubs offer additional ornamental beauty from neat and inte. Hydrangea name meaning. Dig the planting hole twice as wide and to the same depth as the root-ball. Meanwhile, the Japanese call hydrangeas ‘Ajisai’ which means ‘the water drinker’. Grows up to 3-4 ft. Smooth hydrangeas are one of the more popular types of hydrangea grown each season. In some parts of the country, temperatures can fluctuate from -10 to 30 degrees in a week or two. These are not actually considered hydrangeas though, the plants just closely. They also love moisture, so add some water-retaining crystals to the soil as you backfill. Keep the blooms out of the sun in a well-circulated area. The ‘Gatsby Gal’ is a popular oakleaf cultivar. Both spring and fall are usually given as options, since these shoulder seasons generally offer mild weather that works well for plants trying to establish root systems. Ralph Lee Anderson. Hydranthea. Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) – Hardy to zone 4, climbing hydrangea is a woody vine with white flowers. height 3-5 feet. Adding bone meal is a great way to increase the phosphorus in the soil. This is more common in western climates, like in the mountains west of the United States. Grow in full sun to partial shade in rich, moist soil. Watering 5. serrata, will react to the pH of your soil as well as the level of aluminum in your soil by changing color. Third, spray the healthy foliage (before any diseases show up) with Daconil or Immunox according to the label directions. The flowers make great cut flowers, fresh or dried. Using a pair of clean and sharp pruning shears, make a clean cut just below a leaf node (the point where a leaf attaches to a stem). 9 Gorgeous Hydrangea Types. Hydrangea Varieties to Grow as Houseplants. Long used as a common name for the plant, the name 'hortensia' also indicates a specific selection of bigleaf hydrangea, which goes by the scientific name Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hortensia. Dig a hole slightly bigger than the pot your hydrangea came in. Hydrangea anomala subsp. All other varieties will favor climates with partial. tall (90-120 cm) and 24-36 in. Most shrub-form hydrangeas sold in North America fall into one of five types: bigleaf, mountain, smooth, panicle and oakleaf. Deservedly popular, Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' or 'PeeGee' is a large, upright, deciduous shrub or small tree with conical flower panicles, up to 18 in. Backfill the hole, and cover the branch with garden soil. Rust (Pucciniastrum hydrangea) Like other rusts, hydrangea rust needs two hosts to survive and does not kill either of them. How to Care for Hydrangeas. Typically hydrangeas thrive when fed an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer like a 10-10-10 N-P-K or 12-4-8 N-P-K. Leave around 2 inches of stem below the node. (Image credit: Shutterstock) If you’re protecting hydrangeas which bloom on old wood and you live in a particularly chilly region (below 0 degrees Fahrenheit), then covering. The best time to plant a hydrangea is well before the high heat of summer arrives. Hydrangea paniculata with whorled leaves. Hydrangeas grow best in climates with moderate humidity and temperatures—typically around 50°F to 60°F—under 80°F is best. Remove the plant from its container: Gently tap the sides of the container to loosen the root ball. 5, and plants grown in. This plant is easy to change color and has beautiful sky-blue flowers with green centers. How to Care for Hydrangeas. Hydrangea arborescens. across (30 cm), that brighten shady areas and bring life to the garden. Hydrangea plants are mainly sun tolerant but most do prefer partial shade. You may not need to prune panicle hydrangeas every season. The ideal time to plant this flower is early summer. Not only are these plants much hardier, growing well from zone 3 to zone 8, they will grow taller, with some reaching as much as 15 feet, but most being around 6 feet tall. Hydrangea serrata 'Hydrantea' is easy to grow and makes a lovely addition to ornamental borders. Remove the plant from the container, gently tease the roots and cut away any circled or tangled roots. If they seem overgrown or floppy, especially after a hard rain, pruning will tune them up. Performs best in full sun or dappled shade (the hotter the climate, the more shade is needed). The “ lacecap ” version of this species. Prune Snowball Hydrangea in Late Winter. Each stem should be trimmed back to the nearest set of healthy buds, making each cut so that it slants away. This hardy hydrangea. Avoid these by spacing plants to allow for air circulation and avoid getting the leaves wet, especially late in the day. Hydrangea macrophylla basics. Strawberry Vanilla hydrangea shrubs are best pruned in late winter or early spring. Mix in a slow-release fertilizer. The shrubs are multi-stemmed and grow in an upright habit. Repot your hydrangea in a pot that is 5-10 cm deeper than the old pot. Hydrangea macrophylla is one of the most popular species of hydrangea. . First, you’ll need to find the perfect planting location. For blue flowers, add aluminum sulfate to the soil, and test to ensure the pH hovers around 5. The pH of the soil is one of the most important things to be mindful of when caring for hydrangeas. Oakleaf hydrangeas thrive in the shade and won't bloom in full sun, while panicle hydrangeas love to soak up the full sun and won't bloom in the shade. Bigleaf hydrangea (H. Supersized puffs of hydrangea blooms and a dash of hocus-pocus with color-changing petals make this one of the most sought-after flowering shrubs for home landscaping. But Hydrangea roots are actually surprisingly shallow. Selections like 'Annabelle' are stunning and produce huge flower clusters. Method 3. Features. Like most potted plants, watering will depend on how fast the soil dries out and if it's in bloom or not. Transplant to the location where you want the hydrangea to grow. The new roots will form at the nodes where the leaves have been removed. Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) Oakleaf hydrangea flowers Photo: Ginny Williams The oakleaf hydrangea is a beautiful native of the southeastern United States and is a favorite of many gardeners. Bigleaf Hydrangeas (includes Mophead and Lacecap) mature to a height and width of about 10 feet. Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) Oakleaf hydrangea flowers Photo: Ginny Williams The oakleaf hydrangea is a beautiful native of the southeastern United States and is a favorite of many gardeners. The lacecap flowers become numerous once this plant is established. This can give you an idea of the space you need to allocate in your garden to. It might help revive your hydrangeas and increase their shelf life. Water deeply. Autumn is the best time for hydrangea planting. There are a number of easy techniques for growing a hydrangea from cuttings, including: Take 10cm soft-tip cuttings in October/November. And if your flowers are looking sad, Bladow suggests soaking the entire hydrangea in cool water for about 45 minutes. Typical Landscape Use. Scrape some of the bark off of the branch, exposing some growth points. Daylilies grow quickly and come back year after year, just like. Hydrangea is a species of hardy flowering perennial shrub with large domed or flattened flower clusters. Look for the “broccoli,” Lorraine says. by series. Make sure to keep your arrangement out of direct sunlight. 08 of 26. Firstly, its unique ability to bloom on both old and new growth, giving it the ability to bloom consistently and provide gorgeous flowers all summer long as flower buds are. 8. petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea) is a vigorous, large, deciduous climber that clings by aerial rootlets along the stems. The first symptoms are orange pustules on the bottoms of the hydrangea leaves and yellow spots on top. Vanilla Strawberry™ Hydrangea Shrub. Hardy to USDA zone 3. The aluminum sulfate should reduce the pH, but if it does not lower it sufficiently, try adding organic matter, like coffee grounds, fruit peels, or grass clippings. You can reduce instances of powdery mildew through liberal spacing to promote better air circulation and. across (12 cm), densely packed with intense rose-pink, violet, or blue florets, depending on the soil pH. Remove all leaves. Here are the main care requirements for taking care of hydrangea flowers: 1. Matthew Benson. Climbing hydrangea produces striking blooms—white lace-cap flowers that bloom in late spring and summer—as well as eye. The two kinds of hydrangeas offer different looks to a garden. The 'White Dome' hydrangea is an upright, rounded shrub that bears fluffy clusters of creamy-white flowers. H. Showy, the creamy-white florets become pink-tinged as fall approaches. How to prune mophead and lacecap hydrangeas. Nikko Blue Hydrangea Care. The flowers are borne above the handsome foliage of bright green, elliptic, slightly serrated leaves. Growing Zones: 4-8. With a diverse selection of growing habits and flower structures, hydrangeas are some of the most iconic flora in North America. "Mop heads" have big round, dense balls. The first defining factor in Hydrangea color is the species. Hydrangea seeds need to be surface sown. Incrediball hydrangea grows in full sun to partial shade, and the latter is preferable in hot climates. Oakleaf Hydrangeas (Hydrangea Quercifolia) Hydrangea quercifolia has leaves shaped like oak leaves. The smooth hydrangea ( Hydrangea arborescens) is native to eastern North America. To change your hydrangea's color to blue, add half a cup of garden sulfur to the soil. With the proper growing conditions and care for hydrangeas, they can be grown in a wide range of regions. This pretty pink variety is a long lasting bloomer starting in spring and ending with the frost in. Dozens of species exist. In the South, plants require afternoon shade. ) by way of sticky aerial roots. Name: Begonia ( Begonia) USDA Hardiness Zones: 6-9. Fill with potting soil to the bottom of where the plant will sit. The 6 to 8-inch flower heads are not as large or symmetrical as the cultivar ‘Annabelle’ hydrangea, but they contrast well against the dark, serrated foliage. Growing Hydrangea (House Plant) Latin Name Pronunciation: hy-drain'-jah LIGHT: When you receive your new Hydrangea, we recommend that you set it in a window where it will receive 6–8 hours of direct sun. It will grow only 3 to 4 feet wide and 4 to 5 feet tall, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in vibrant, showy blooms throughout the season. Roughly translated, it means water vessel—an accurate description of hydrangeas’ thirst for water. Here is a guide to all things hydrangea: a description of the different types, how to. If your chosen hydrangea is a variety with large leaves, you can also trim the remaining two. Place your plant in the middle of the hole. Back fill in the hole with the soil, tamp down the soil gently around the plant, and feed with some balanced fertilizer. Apply the product around the base of the plant and work it into the soil with a rake or a cultivator. The water should be evenly distributed at the roots, and never over the top of the plant. Several cuttings can be rooted in one larger pot. 5 pH, will favor blue flowers by allowing the hydrangea to absorb more aluminum. With handsome, glossy foliage and gorgeous ball-like blooms, bigleaf hydrangea is the Southern Belle of hydrangeas. Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) is a flowering deciduous shrub with large clusters of flowers on sturdy stems and distinctive leaves with lobes like those of an oak tree (quercifolia means "oakleaf" in Latin). Many new Hydrangea species, such as the Endless Summer and Everlasting series, rebloom throughout the summer and fall. In the north, full sun can be tolerated throughout the entire day. Add a layer of potting mix and compost, enough so that when you place the hydrangea in the pot, the top of the root ball sits slightly below the rim of the container. arborescens), the type 'Annabelle' belongs to; oakleaf hydrangea (H. There are a number of easy techniques for growing a hydrangea from cuttings, including: Take 10cm soft-tip cuttings in October/November. The hybridizers were successful and ended up with a plant with very strong stems that will support their flowers and remain upright. hydrangea collection. Here are the common. Cut branch from the mother plant. The occurrence of these toxins throughout the genus is poorly known, so other species of Hydrangea should be treated with caution and not consumed. Paniculatas dependably bloom on new growth every year in mid-summer, and the show is spectacular. The 'Little Lime' hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata) is a patented cultivar that is a dwarf variety of the 'Limelight' hydrangea. Mopheads will blanket an awkward slope. The best-known varieties are the mophead hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla), which are deciduous shrubs growing to around 1-2 metres in height and bearing large rounded flower heads. ‘The rounded shrub has spotted, variegated leaves and produces bright red berries in fall,’ explains Fiona. Cover the soil surface with 1 to 2 inches of mulch, avoiding the area closest to the stem to avoid fungal issues. Up to 20% off. The main differences between the two are the size and the hardiness. Hydrangea paniculata 'PeeGee' is a vigorous shrub or small tree for full sun that can grow up to 20 feet tall and 8 feet wide. Take a stem cutting around 5cm long that has a plump bud, and treat as above. It can tolerate harsh winters and is a good substitute for Mophead Hydrangeas or Hydrangea macrophylla. Causes of yellowing hydrangea leaves are too much water, iron deficiency, and too high of your soil pH. Dip in suitable cutting gel, place in a pot of propagating mix, and keep moist in a warm shady spot. Locate spent blooms and then follow them down to the first set of full-sized leaves beneath the flower head—make your cut right above the leaves. Cuttings should be three to five inches long and contain at least three sets of leaf nodes. Hydrangea trees tend to grow best when the leaves are receiving at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day, ideally in the morning. 5. Some still consider it to be a subspecies. A mainstay of foundation gardens for generations, hydrangea has recently expanded its look to include so many new flowering possibilities. wide. Water it thoroughly. The 3–5’ shrubs produce a blizzard of greenish blooms that turn creamy white before shading to dusky pink for fall, and they don’t degrade in high temperatures. (Image credit: Shutterstock) 1. Invincibelle Wee White ® hydrangea is positively ground-breaking: it's the first dwarf 'Annabelle' type hydrangea in the world! This cute little landscape plant ensures that any landscape can enjoy the reliability, low-maintenance, and season-long beauty of hydrangeas. About 23 species are known. Make sure the pot has drainage holes and has room for the plant to grow. Stiff stems keep the. You want to cut down to just above the fresh. Plant Zone: 3-8. Huge bouquets of hydrangea flowers, which vary from mophead to lacecap types, show beauty from summer to fall. The simplest technique is to water thoroughly (until the. Add a thin layer of mulch to help preserve moisture. Perfect for small gardens, Hydrangea paniculata Fire Light Tidbit® is an incredibly compact deciduous shrub boasting a profusion of big, lush panicles from midsummer to fall. Backfill the hole, and cover the branch with garden soil. It should be deep enough so that where the plant meets the soil is flush to the ground. After a few days, shake the bag to get the seeds. About 23 species are known. This includes the most popular Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) and the Mountain Hydrangea (Hydrangea serrata). Hydrangeas are some of the more beautiful garden shrubs, exhibiting big billowy blooms that come in various shades of pink, blue, purple, white and even green. The only type hydrangea that can be made into a tree is Hydrangea paniculata. Where to grow hydrangeas (Image credit: Leigh Clapp) Hydrangeas grow best in well-drained soil, in a protected, dappled shady spot. Even if a hydrangea does bloom on old wood, you don't necessarily have to do anything special to prepare it for winter. クスノハアジサイ節 Cornidia. Top reasons to choose Fire Light Tidbit hydrangea for your garden or landscape: - The smallest panicle hydrangea ever - just 2-3'/. Like the mondo grass, it holds its golden color all season long and enjoys the same growing conditions as the hydrangea. Big, round clusters of small flowers cover mophead hydrangeas all summer in blue, violet-blue, white, pink or. Unlike other hydrangea types, the soil pH does not affect Limelight's bloom color. Your cutting should be 2 inches below a pair of leaves, to leave space for the plant to take root. Plant your climbing hydrangea in a low-lighted area but not overly shady. You can use simple additives to change the soil’s pH. But pruning an old-wood hydrangea in spring will remove the existing buds, and it won’t flower that year. Typically hydrangeas thrive when fed an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer like a 10-10-10 N-P-K or 12-4-8 N-P-K. 99. The botanical name for those is Schizophragma hydrangeoides and this plant is native to Japan. Cityline Paris. Zones 5-9. Then, remove any flowers or buds, as well as any leaves on the lower two-thirds of the stem. This easygoing oak leaf variety is shade tolerant and makes for an elegant choice for both mass or accent plantings. 05 of 12. Move the plant into an unheated room with temperatures around 45. Big-leaf hydrangeas, Hydrangea macrophyla: These are the most common species and include the popular mopheads and lacecaps in wide-ranging colors of blue, violet, pink, purple, red and white. A hydrangea tree is a giant shrub that can be pruned into a tree. Place your hydrangea in the pot, fill in with soil around it, and water well. After planting, mulch the surface of the soil to a depth of about 3- 5cm. Make sure the pot has drainage holes and has room for the plant to grow. Be careful not to cut the roots of the cutting or the mother plant with your spade. With proper care and maintenance, Myers says you can stop your hydrangea blooms from growing too large. Start with the basic housecleaning type of pruning, removing sucker shoots that grow in around the plant base, then trim off any shoots appearing on the lower part of the trunk. If you live in the south, give the plant some shade in the hot afternoon hours. Even though the heat of the summer sun is cooling off, your hydrangeas will still be thirsty. Cuttings should be three to five inches long and contain at least three sets of leaf nodes. Hardy in zones 3 to 9; takes part sun to sun. Use this reblooming hydrangea in containers, as a specimen plant, to. Water them regularly during dry spells, letting the soil dry out a bit between deep waterings. Not enough water, soil draining too quickly without retaining moisture, tree roots that compete with the hydrangea for water/ intercept rainfall, too much. Establishment and Care Instructions. - Flowers go from white to rich, saturated tones of pink and red as they age. Sun: Partial Shade to Full Sun. It yields white flowers and has excellent frost and heat tolerance. 1-7. While the plant is in bloom, hydrangeas need water more often. When you are planting wild hydrangeas, find a spot with well-drained, moist, acidic soil. Wetland . Plant in rich soil that is moist but well-draining. Complete these five essential jobs this fall to set your plants up for the coming seasons. Remove the plant from its nursery pot and place it in the container. Annabelle hydrangea is propagated with softwood cuttings taken in spring. Premix the soil with organic material before you place your hydrangea shrub into the pot. Hydrangea quercifolia (oakleaf hydrangea): Growing to about 8 feet tall with white blooms, this species is hardy in zones 5 to 9. Soil with a pH under about 5. Start by removing any dead, damaged, or diseased branches with clean, sharp pruning shears. Amend the soil: Mix in some compost or well-rotted manure to the soil at the bottom of the planting hole. FactoryTh/Getty Images. Other Hydrangea species will remain the same color no matter the conditions. 8. Dig a hole 2 feet wider than the root ball and as deep as the root ball, so it sits level with or slightly higher than the soil in order to encourage drainage. The contrasting color which it holds all season long marries well with the hydrangea and grows happily in similar conditions,’ says Ballato. Consider your Hydrangea Location. The Blue Enchantress® hydrangea adds beauty as a specimen or accent plant in shady perennial gardens. They fill gardens with their green, leafy foliage and incredible blooms during the warm months.